As Jack Kerouac once said, "live, travel, adventure, bless and don't be sorry".

Its not easy to drop what you are doing, put your vocational responsibilities aside and take off with little to no plan. Life experiences define our character and the sheer idea of monotony will kill you. Its always a good idea to infuse freshness even in the most mundane daily routines. Don't fear the road less traveled and always push to explore the unknown.

There is no better example than two awesome dudes who adhere to nothing but this way of life. Every time I run into either Dylan Gordon or JR Watson, it seems like they just got back from somewhere epic.

A couple weeks ago the boys took a trip North to do some skating, sight seeing and just embrace whatever life threw at them. From Oregon to Montana then Seattle and back down the California coast, these guys covered a lot ground. They met up with the girls in Big Sur and after a few cups of whiskey, shooting BB guns, and a skillet breakfast, they headed back to Ventura.

It was a break from reality and an off the grid experience that made coming back to the day to day routine more tolerable.

Photos by Dylan Gordon

October 28, 2014

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