Primer Nationals Ventura - Deer Lodge - Fairgrounds Flat Track
Ride with the boys this Saturday started at the fairgrounds with the 2011 Primer Nationals and ended back there for Flat Track races with a few stops in's a few highlights.
Bike of Bonneville legend Herbert James Munro.
Favorite ride from the Nats...63' Econoline that actually made women fall to their knees and beg to be given a ride...true story.
The ride of my own wet dreams...1964 Ford Country Sedan.
Absolutely flawless G11 built by our friend, Tom of BBC Ventura...or was it a G12?
Speaks for itself...
Keepin' it original
Make a 6 go like an 8... Hudson Twin H Power
"All pin-ups please report immediately..."
His hair keeps him in his lane.
Brings back fond memories of Tinker and Speed Buggy.
On the road again...
The 850 is always at the front of the pack.
Double T making sure the 500 had a respectable outing.
Hello old friend.
Like it says "The Best Head In Town"...why else would we go?
Deer Lodge Daisy knows how to handle the animals.
The infamous Don Madden spitting knowledge..."Hey Don, how far ya riding?" Don..."Bout' 3 beers!"
A few of the trusty steeds.
Rincon for a quick rest.
Back to the fairgrounds for some left turns.
Run whatcha brung.
Check the girder on bike 2...I was pulling for it...didn't win, but put in a valiant effort...No shame in that game!
Good day with good friends.