Prism Supply Hangs Before Born Free

Jake Hindes and friends from North Carolina-based Prism Supply swung by the shop a couple days before Born Free to say hey, and long story short, we’ve made a lasting relationship with those good ol’ southern boys. The Prism Supply crew hopped in a van on the east coast, loaded up their Harley panhead they built for Born Free 9, and traveled cross-country, just like last year, to attend and contribute to the Born Free show. As one of only twenty-five invited builders, Prism Supply, led by brothers Zach and Jake Hindes, showcase some serious talent with their latest build.
Prism Supply started the extensive build in December 2016 after riding the wave of excitement from their first Born Free show. The bike was wrapped up just in time for their inaugural The Congregation Show – an invite-only vintage motorcycle show located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina intended to raise awareness of the scene to folks on the east coast. The show went off without a hitch and plans are already being finalized for next year’s show. Over 100 invited motorcycles and 30 hot rods lined the rustic wooden floors of Camp Northend, the venue for the show which used to pump out Ford Model As and even missiles during World War II.
We first met the Prism dudes through Instagram of all places, that dark rabbit hole that can sometimes leave us realizing we just wasted an hour of our life, but a friendship sparked after conversing with Jake. We got wind of their plans to get back out to Born Free this year so a date was set for the guys to swing by our Ventura store.
The Prism Supply guys showed up, we showed them around the store and told them we had to grab some tacos and beer. Once bellies were full, spirits were consumed and the west coast sun was beginning to set, we photographed the bike in front of the shop and then figured it was high time to hightail it to PCH for more photos of their beautiful green panhead. We poured over the many details we could see, while Jake showed us some small, yet significant details that could be easily missed to the untrained eye. We could see why these guys were invited back out again this year, the fabrication skills aren’t something you find in any ol’ backyard shop.
We finally crashed that evening and decided to grab some breakfast and talk some more over some pipin’ hot black coffee the next morning. After hanging out an entire afternoon, into the evening, and awaking to hang out another few hours, the time flew by with our new east coast friends. And that’s really what this entire motorcycle culture and industry is all about, right? Getting out, seeing the world, hanging on to old friends and reaching out to new ones, that’s what completes the adventure of life.
Thanks to Prism Supply for taking the time out of their schedule to kick it with us. Until next time mi amigos. Be sure to check out Prism Supply online here and give them a follow on Instagram here.