Good Deal vs. Good Value
One of our customers recently sent in his well worn Rambler Jacket to us for some repairs.
"Bought a Rambler Jacket that has been my everyday riding jacket ever since. It's been through the ringer for sure, but I would love to stretch a little more wear out of it. The Rambler is the perfect fit/cut for me (I can wear multiple layers underneath it) and despite my best attempt to destroy it by using it as a drop cloth on the side of the road when I need to wrench my bike back to life, or using it as a pillow on camping trips, or just wearing it through all the seasons that the East Coast weather throws at you, it has withstood the test of time."
We love getting repair orders in because it allows us to constantly improve the quality of our products and better understand how our customers use them. It also gives us an opportunity to talk about why we feel so strongly about quality, small batch manufacturing and why something that is quality built to last is a better value, even if it costs more to make and sell.
In making purchasing decisions as a consumer, compromises are often made on quality or sustainability in the name of tight budgets, and what we are able, or unable, to afford. Overseas production, with cheap labor, materials and shipping, made a wide range of products affordable and accessible to a large segment of people – resulting in a low “normal” price for many everyday goods. Somewhere along the way consumers have gotten used to the idea that certain categories are “inexpensive” and when given the choice of a version that is made and sourced locally, in small batches and with higher quality materials, there inevitably comes some sticker shock. The prices paid for many of mass produced products are, in a way, fake - achievable only due to low wages and cheaper materials.
"Someone is always on the losing end of a ‘good deal’."
At some point, these discrepancies will even out. The cost of making mass produced, overseas goods won’t be cheap anymore; they will be closer to the “real” price. Wages will rise in developing countries, providing workers with a more comfortable and healthy life – and domestic prices will fall the more we support local manufacturing, allowing makers to not only survive but thrive. Each quality purchase we make now is an investment into our health, our economy and the world as a whole. If we demand better for ourselves, we will improve.
"We started Iron & Resin because we needed gear that held up under the demanding conditions of our lifestyle."
We were tired of blowing out the crotches and knees of our jeans and shirts and jackets that fell apart after a few seasons of hard use. We find value in quality, timeless goods that simply are built to last longer, regardless of price. For example, we'd rather pay a little more to own a pair of boots that will hold up, but then can be resoled and reconditioned, extending their lifespan for as long as we want to own them. It’s simple math in our minds and where we place our hard earned dollars.
Huge shout out to our customer Tim from Brooklyn for putting your Rambler Jacket to the test. It definitely shows its well deserved scars from the legitimate adventures any jacket could have!
Want to put your own Rambler Jacket to the test?
Check out all of our Iron & Resin Waxed Canvas Jackets right here.
Gnar_Nasty said:
I couldn’t agree more with this post. I’ve been putting InR goods to the test for a few solid years now. Worth the investment on a piece that’ll probably outlive you. A year ago I went down on I-5 while wearing the Scout jacket. I slid about 50 ft and pretty much had no road rash. My jacket sustained a couple of small rips in the elbows and arms but that’s it. Wish I had known that you all do repair work cuz I would’ve sent it back to you to patch the holes up. Keep up the quality goods folks! 🤙🏼